Friday, July 18, 2008

Game Spoke: Who SHOULD Win the Console War? Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft?

Notice I said who SHOULD win, not who WILL win. I think we all know Nintendo is going to win. Something I must say I'm very happy about and, to toot my own horn, something I predicted long before the launch of the new consoles.

Check out my discussion with Victor HERE.


Game Spokes

So my friend Victor and I have decided to formalize a few of our discussions ons on video game related stuff. We're calling them "Game Spokes".

The discussions will be posted on Victor's blog at FlatRedBall. We'll probably get one up every week or so.

Here is our first "Spoke":

Component vs. Layered Systems

It's a bit programmer heavy and a little dry, but most other spokes we do will be much more general.

Check it out!

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