Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Working Day Comic

It's that time of year again. Time for the 24 hour comic challenge!

Here's a post from last year's event.

I've decided to make myself the inventor of a variation on Scott McCloud's 24 hour comic. I'm calling it the

Working Day Comic

All the rules for 24 hour comics hold with two more on top of that.
  1. You can only work 8 hours on the comic (IE no overtime).
  2. You can take up to a 1 hour break for lunch that does not count towards your 8 hours.
That's it!

So if you're like me and love the idea of 24 hour comics but don't like the idea of 24 hours, or if you're a huge fan of the effectiveness of the 8 hour work day, you might want to give my variation a try.

I will be happy to post any and all Working Day Comics that you send my way. In fact, if I get more than 3 submissions (outside of my own), I'll start an official web site for it.

Best of luck!


Anonymous said...

Do you have a set page count for the Working Day Comic?

Mike D. Smith said...

Like I said in the post, the same rules for 24 Hour Comics apply to Working Day Comics since a Working Day Comic IS a 24 Hour Comic (just done in less time). http://www.24hourcomics.com

So yes, the page count still needs to be 24.

You can think of a Working Day Comic as a greater challenge if you want. But honestly, I think it's easier than trying to push yourself for 24 hours straight and also dealing with the aftermath.

24 pages in 8 hours means 20 minutes per page instead of an hour a page, so the result may be that Working Day Comics are more simplified in their rendering than 24 Hour Comics.

Thanks for the question!

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