Sunday, December 17, 2006
Caster on Hold
Viva la indie!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Headgate Assimilated by EA
On December 1st, Headgate Studios became EA Salt Lake. That's right, Electronic Arts, the worlds largest video game publisher purchased the game development studio I work for. The studio focus is to be on Wii projects for Nintendo.
This is both good and bad for the studio and its employees. Good for “stability”, bad for flexibility. I prefer the flexibility. You can read about my concerns here as well as a well written rant about the situation here. Mostly concerning the fact that EA feels a right to own anything you work on in your time away from work if it's related to the “business” of EA.
It's not just the ownership of my own time that concerns me. It's the new attitude from management that has already become apparent since they took on more projects and accepted the break neck time frames. We've started doing some pretty important stuff for EA and we're now seeing the effects of powerful executives pressing their agenda on us. You can read from my last entry about how we would constantly have to fight EA about how we manage our overtime. Well, management has buckled under pressure and I imagine will continue to do so so long as we remain part of the EA mega corp. I don't like the feeling I have when I go to work anymore. Sure, my tech lead is great and doing what he can, but how long can he keep up the fight under the constant rebuke and pressure? It's been a little while in the works but we've finally become an EA studio with the EA culture of “Crunch hard for our late reviews and feature creep and get the thing out the door!” After considering things, I don't think things will “remain the same as they were” with respect to quality of life. Things were already changing before they purchased the studio.
I don't know if I will stay or for how long. Several more appealing opportunities have become available. I turned down working for EA in the past so that I could work for Headgate. Looks like I just can't get away from them.
I have always had my side projects that I could use keep my sanity and provide me with a creative outlet. EA wants me to stop working on them so I can focus more on my work for EA and not “compete” against them. Well, I will not stop working on them. Weather I stay with EA Salt Lake, or weather I go elsewhere, I intend to continue with my work. That's just the kind of personality I have. There are so many things I want to do—want to create. I won't give up this flexibility for “stability”.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Perfect Productivity
So in a work meeting yesterday, my team lead mentioned an expression that I really liked--"perfect productivity". Headgate Studios is an independent third party game developer and we work with Electronic Arts. We often fight with EA about working overtime and crunching and it puts a lot of pressure on my project lead. The culture and quality of life at Headgate Studios is something we value and attribute to our great results and high employee retention rate. In order to create quality while keeping to a 40 hour work week, we try to work better instead of longer hours. "Perfect productivity" refers to eliminating distractions and working in the most efficient way possible. When I've worked this way, I always feel I've put in a good day's work. When I don't, I feel somewhat lazy and or dishonest. This doesn't mean you don't take breaks, just that the time you count as work really is good solid work.
So instead of crunching into the late hours of the night away from our family, friends, and hobbies, we opt for 40 hours a week with solid results instead. I'll go into development processes and ideas about effective work methods in later posts, but I just want to point out a sad fact that people know that crunching doesn't work, but they continue to do it anyway... out of fear and habit I guess.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Educational Games
Just updated my log on my progress this past week. Check it out here:
I'm a little ahead which means that I may have time at the end of this milestone to add a few nice things that I put on the back log because of lack of time.
Educational Games
I've been thinking a bit about educational type video games lately (edutainment as some call it). I believe that you can pick anything that you would like to teach (reading, typing, history, problem solving, memorizing, moral issues, etc) and make a fun game with it. However, I also believe that trying to teach too many different things at once can hurt the game.
The design for an educational game should start with what you want to teach. The game should then be built around it. Some people argue this and say it is better to make a good game and "sneak" little bits of learning into it. I say that most games teach things just by their nature and there is no need to "sneak" learning into a well crafted game to this end. Just sticking little bits of learning into a completed game is not a focused effort for teaching that subject and will not be as effective as it otherwise could be. This is not to say that the game needs to focus entirely on the subject to be taught, just that teaching that subject needs to stay as a core motive to the game design.
On a slightly different all games teach something. Some of this teaching makes the game more worthwhile than just in its entertainment value. Some of this teaching is demoralizing. Also, all games and media take time. How do you want to spend your time?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tight Schedule
One trick to successful scheduling is to be able to cut features to meet your deadlines--usually based on amount of effort relative to importance. This can be quite painful for engineering types like myself. I console myself with the fact that I can always stick them on the backlog and maybe address them at a future date where more time is made available. In reality, they seldom ever end up getting done, but at least the project does!
Friday, October 27, 2006
The Hat has been Thrown!
Schedule | Time in Weeks | Deadline |
Milestone 1: All game mechanics in. Player movement, terrain modifiers, player attacks, upgrade system, difficulty settings, game modes. | 4 | 11/25/06 |
Milestone 2: All enemy types in with placeholder art. | 4 | 12/23/06 |
Milestone 3: All bosses in with placeholder art. | 2 | 01/06/07 |
Milestone 4: All levels in with placeholder art. | 4 | 02/03/07 |
Milestone 5: Sound and music in and working with placeholder for all sound effects and music. | 1 | 02/10/07 |
Milestone 6: Nag screens, purchase encouragement methods. | 1 | 02/17/07 |
Milestone 7: Game mechanics polished. | 2 | 03/03/07 |
Milestone 8: Character and all enemies polished with final art. | 8 | 04/28/07 |
Milestone 9: All bosses polished with final art. | 4 | 05/26/07 |
Milestone 10: All levels polished. Names, textures, terrain types, props. | 4 | 06/23/07 |
Milestone 11: Final sound and music polish. | 1 | 06/30/07 |
Milestone 12: Front end art and polish for all screens. Including fonts. | 4 | 07/28/07 |
Milestone 13: Talking heads. And story polish for all levels. | 4 | 08/25/07 |
Milestone 14: Web site update and purchase methods. Forum. | 1 | 09/01/07 |
Milestone 15: Cut scenes in for Boss levels, opening and end sequences. | 2 | 09/15/07 |
Alpha: Features lock down at this point. | 09/15/07 | |
Beta: ready for beta testing | 2 | 09/29/07 |
Final: Ready to ship. | 4 | 10/27/07 |
I will be posting more specifics on the tasks in each milestone and the progress for these tasks as each milestone comes around. I plan to post them on my web site here.
Wish me luck!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Throwing the Hat Over the Fence
So by the end of this week, I will post my schedule for completion of Caster. Keep in mind that I still need to spend significant time on TweenMaker as well so the schedule will be pretty conservative.
Anyway, the hope is that this will help push me to complete Caster so that we can all play it. Hurray!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
4 Hours Down the Drain
Lots of work down the drain. I was shocked and sad but had learned a valuable lesson. One of the tutorials I had read on computer coloring mentioned saving multiple copies of your image should such a thing as just described happen. I thought it was a little extreme and silly. Well, now I believe.
I decided not to try and resurrect the image (I did have another really old copy in backup) and just cut my losses. Below you will see what I decided to keep.

Experience gained, lessons learned, but oh the cost.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
24 Hour comics
Being a long time fan of comics and having at one time seriously considered pursuing a career in comics, the competition has great appeal to me. A local shop, Night Flight Comics in Salt Lake City hosted for the event and several of my art friends from work attended. The results of what they did will be posted here: I went to visit them on Saturday to support them and see what cool stuff everyone was doing. Very exciting, very cool. I decided that I had an hour to spare (My wife was shopping with her mom in Park City) so I decided to go ahead and see what I could do in one hour... no more. My friends game me some Bristol board, non-photo blue pencils and a pen-brush and I set to work. Sad to say I didn't finish the piece, but here are the results after the hour:

I went ahead and took it home and finished it today in about another half an hour:

So I love the idea of 24 hour comics! The only problem is, I won't do it. Here's why:
- My wife says I am not a nice person to be around when I don't get enough sleep.
- I have family responsibilities that would be difficult to pass off for such a competition.
- I would be doing it on Sunday.
- I would be too tired to attend church properly on the Sabbath.
- I am not in good shape for the competition.
- My hand cramps up after inking for just a few minutes let along hours at a time.
- It's been a long time since I've drawn for a long duration.
- I have never done a full 24 page comic before. I think 12 or 14 was my max.
So next year I've decided to do it... at least as my own self designed eight or twelve hour event. That way I can still have all the fun and not feel awful the next day. ^_^
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Headgate Art Challenge
We shamelessly ripped off the Blue Sky Studios group, but we have a better color scheme ^_^.
Work has been progressing on Caster and a 2D game engine project. We also recently release a Mac version of TweenMaker.
I'm currently on the wii team for Tiger Woods Golf 07 doing some controller stuff.
Also, most importantly, a recent addition to my family:
So everything is going well... better than well, great!
Monday, June 05, 2006
New Blog
About Me

- Mike D. Smith
- I am a full time video game developer and a part time indie developer. I have a wonderful wife and 3 kids.